Monday, December 30, 2013

Sunday, December 15, 2013

NAT GEO Project: Progress Shot 8

Haven't worked on this one in a while, but I got some new paint and brushed, so I thought I would tonight. I touched up a lot of the area on the cheek and around the eye. I also painted on the mustache and worked on the nose some. There is still a lot to be done, but I hope to finish this week.

NAT GEO Project: Picture 3; Progress Shot 1

This was the beginning of the third and final picture for the project. I think this was done sometime last week. This picture is differs from the others in that it is in black and white. 

NAT GEO Project: Picture Two; Progress Shot 1

Haven't posted anything in a couple weeks, but this was the beginning of the second picture for this project. I would guess that I did this like last week. Doesn't really look anything like the picture, so hopefully it gets better.

Friday, November 22, 2013

NAT GEO Project: Progress Shot 7

This is from yesterday. I added some darker tones of the orange and white mixture as well as some purple to the face and hands in an attempt to provide some dimension. 

NAT GEO Project: Progress Shot 6

This is from sometime earlier this week. I did a little revision on the hand and parts of the face; adding a lighter tone of the orange and white mixture to the right side of the hand and face.

NAT GEO Project: Progress Shot 5

This is from sometime last week. I added a mixture orange and white paint to the majority of the man's face and hand. I also painted the man's iris. To do so I used a mixture of oranges, greens, and touches of white.

Monday, November 4, 2013

NAT GEO Project: Progress Shot 4

After a little more revision and the addition of some lettering. Hopefully I'll be finished with this lower portion of the painting by tomorrow.

NAT GEO Project: Progress Shot 3

After a little bit of revision on the collar and the addition of some yellow and black..

Commenting Grade

I've commented on the following blog this week for pictures posted last week:

Joel Flores
Alexssa Melendez

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

NAT GEO Project: Progress Shot 2

Painting is turning out to be more difficult than I had anticipated, lol. Working on the collar/neck area. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

NAT GEO Project: Basic Outline

The first bit of progress made after gesso-ing the paper and selecting the pictures was getting a rough outline of the major areas of the pictures to be painted. Next step, paint!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Painting Project #2: National Geographic Pictures

For this project we've covered several medium-sized sheets of paper with gesso and have chosen three National Geographic pictures (two color in color and one in black&white) to be drawn and painted on each of the sheets. I'm really excited to get started on this project. It's going to be a challenging project, but I think I'm really going to enjoy doing it and it should be fun.